Only the good die young...

... so auch schon 1997 Simon Jeffes, Gründer des legendären Penguin Café Orchestra an einem Hirntumor. Die Idee zur Gründung der Band hatte er 1972 in Folge eines Fiebertraumes, während er mit einer Lebensmittelvergiftung im Bett lag:

"I was laying in bed delirious, sort of hallucinating for about 24 hours. I had this one vision in my mind of a place that was like the ark of buildings, like a modern hotel, with all these rooms made of concrete. There was an electronic eye which scanned everything. In one room you had a couple that were making love, but lovelessly. It was cold sex with books and gadgets and what have you. In another room there was somebody just looking at himself in the mirror, just obsessed with himself. In another room there was a musician with a bank of synthesisers, wearing headphones, and there was no sound.

This was a very terrible, bleak place. Everybody was taken up with self-interested activity which kept them looped in on themselves. It wasn't like they were prisoners, they were all active, but only within themselves. And that kept them from being a problem or a threat to the cold order represented by the eye.

A couple of days later I was on the beach sunbathing and suddenly a poem popped into my head. It started out 'I am the proprietor of the Penguin Cafe, I will tell you things at random' and it went on about how the quality of randomness, spontaneity, surprise, unexpectedness and irrationality in our lives is a very precious thing. And if you suppress that to have a nice orderly life, you kill off what's most important. Whereas in the Penguin Cafe your unconscious can just be. It's acceptable there, and that's how everybody is. There is an acceptance there that has to do with living the present with no fear in ourselves."

Unvergessen ist "Music For A Found Harmonium" - um das hängende (und daher dauernd erklingende) "G" von diesem Instrument wurde geschickt herumkomponiert, sodaß es sich harmonisch einfügt und "wie gewollt" klingt - auf so etwas muß man erst einmal kommen:

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